Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Solar-Terrestrial
web page for the UK Sun-Planetary scientific community

To send a message to the MIST Electronic Mailing List, email it to

Alternatively you can visit where you can also join or leave the list and change your details by clicking on the subscibers corner link (top left). The MIST email list uses the JISCMAIL system; this is the National Academic Mailing List Service provided by JANET(UK). There are currently 346 subscribers.

The original list will continue to operate for the immediate future. When we are satisfied the new list is working well we will stop the old list and point the email address at the new list.

Guidelines for the MIST mailing list

The list is for messages and announcements of interest to the UK MIST (Magnetosphere Ionosphere and Solar Terrestrial physics) community. It was originally a free unmoderated list (messages sent to the list were forwarded automatically to all subscribers). Regrettably, abuse of the list has made moderation necessary. All messages are screened before being forwarded; inevitably this will involve a delay which will however be kept as short as possible. Examples of acceptable messages:

  • Announcements of scientific meetings and seminars in the MIST or related fields.
  • Calls for papers.
  • Research posts and studentships in the MIST or related fields.
  • News of Opportunity for research grants relevant to MIST
  • Announcements of new research results published or to be published.
  • News about experimental research facilities for MIST science.
  • News about MIST personalities.

Please try to keep messages brief and text only, as not all subscribers may be able to read binary attachments (e.g. images). It will usually be best to indicate a Web page where such information may be found.

The following are unacceptable:

  • Messages which are unrelated to MIST
  • Messages which are unlikely to be of interest to a significant proportion of the MIST community.
  • Advertising from commercial organisations.
  • Spam.
  • Bad or abusive language.
  • Copyright material, without the permission of the copyright holder.
  • Administrative messages to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Comments or questions about this list should be sent to the list maintainer:
The list is currently maintained by Gary Abel on behalf of the MIST council.

MIST Newsletter

In the past, paper MIST Newsletters were published at intervals (the latest one in July 1998), and mailed out to a circulation of about 200. With the advent in September 1998 of the electronic MIST mailing list for the rapid and convenient dissemination of MIST News, the paper Newsletter is redundant and its circulation has been discontinued. Electronic MIST Newsletters have been published occasionally and are stored here for posterity:

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