Cephalopod International Advisory Council - CIAC

Founded in 1983, the aims of CIAC are to stimulate, accelerate and influence the direction of cephalopod research, to provide help and advice on aspects of cephalopod biology, including those relevant to the management of the increasingly important cephalopod fisheries, and to spread information on past and current research.

The means by which the aims will be achieved include:

  1. The holding of CIAC Workshop/Symposia every 2-3 years and the publication of the results in book form.
  2. The organisation of CIAC Joint Meetings with fisheries organisations, societies, or laboratories for exchange of information and usually the publication of papers and/or training manuals.
  3. The endorsement of meetings organised by any cephalopod workers who provide evidence to CIAC of the value and feasibility of a meeting being planned.
  4. The production of a Newsletter which will be distributed via the Internet.
  5. The publication and updating of a Directory of English translations of Research Publications in Other Languages, a List of Cephalopod Workers of the World, a Computerised Bibliography of Cephalopod Research, Keys for the Identification of Cephalopods, and State of the Art papers in selected areas of research.

The Cephalopod International Advisory Council (CIAC) meets at every Workshop/Symposium that it plans and conducts, and that is designated as a CIAC Workshop/Symposium. These Council Meetings may be divided into several continuous sittings or sessions. The objectives of these meetings are to plan and implement the aims of the Council as described above.

At all CIAC Workshops/Symposia there will be an Open Meeting, presided over by the President or Executive Secretary of CIAC, to which anyone interested in CIAC and its aims may come and speak on subjects of relevance to CIAC, at which participants will be asked for nominations for membership of Council, and at which proposals for CIAC Workshops/Symposia may be made.

A more extensive description of the rules of CIAC is available.

For further information about CIAC contact either Prof. C.C. Lu or Dr. Emma Hatfield.

Other useful addresses for cephalopod workers:

BAS-logo Pages provided by British Antarctic Survey; maintained by Andy Wood.

Last modified: Thu Apr 5 13:20:36 BST 2001